Title: | Career Commitment Perception of Women Executives – A Content Analysis |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | J.K.Kalpana Devi |
[PDF File (475 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Implеmеnting a Hybrid Wοrkplacе Mοdеl – with Rеfеrеncе tο IT Industriеs in Chеnnai, India |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | Jeneffer Gnana Soundari W and K.Prathiba |
[PDF File (775 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Heart Attack Prediction |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | K. Hemavathi and R. Saranya |
[PDF File (985 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Influence of Nano additives on protective coatings for oil pipe Lines of Oman |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | Muhammad Mumtaz Mirza, Elansezhian Rasu and Anjali Desilva |
[PDF File (848 KB)] - [Abstract] | |